Tyranny and Giggles

Friday 21 April 2006

The funny thing about conspiracy theories is that their existence disproves them. World governments, fluoridated water, governmental control of drug trafficking, Illuminati plans for world domination — all are simply and easily disproved with one simple question: “How would I get this information?”

Take Alex Jones’ New World Order conspiracy: the global elite (which he calls the Illuminati, the Bilderberg group, the Bohemian Grove, and any number of other terms depending on who knows what) have been out since the turn of the century to take over the world. Highlights of the theory:

  • Communism was a creation of international bankers at the turn of the 20th century to submit people to a police state.
  • Hitler was simply playing his small role in the grand scheme of world domination.
  • The Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11 were planned and executed by the U.S. government in order to justify a gradual implementation of a police state.
  • The U.S. government has been systematically poisoning its citizens through chem trails, fluoridation of water, vaccinations, and other methods.
  • Cartoons are systematically conditioning children to chip implementation and complete police-state control of citizens’ every move.

Look at that — everyone’s involved, even sworn enemies. Communists and Fascists are on the same team. Clinton and Bush are two sides of the same evil. Conspirators and secret police are everywhere, watching our every move and…

And clamping down on anyone who exposes them? Well, that would make sense. If someone has untangled the whole ugly scheme and presented it to the world, he should be shut up immediately, right? One word and it’s silence. After all, if the federal government can engineer 9/11 and coordinate it all in real time from World Trade Center 7 (as Jones asserts), then they can easily take out a radio host and make it look like a natural death.

And there’s the rub: the fact that people like Jones can carry on continually like he does shows the conspiracy doesn’t exist. Jones has made many “documentaries” and written books about the coming New World Order tyranny, detailing their plans and warning people about it, and yet this supposed world group, which has conspired to kill millions, hasn’t shut him up?


  1. Here’s the thing: if practically everyone—or everyone important—believes you’re a total loon, then what danger are you? Not much danger. Smart world-conquerers understand that it’s much easier and more effective to discredit and mock than it is to silence.

  2. True. But the point is this: if the conspiracy is as wide-spread and as powerful as Jones says it is, why would it even take a chance. As I said, if it can engineer the creation of communism and the logistics of 9/11 as he claims, then making him disappear at a very early stage of his conspiracy theorist career would be cake.

    Also not all conspiracy theories are as out-there as Jones’ (and his theory could only be more radical by adding to the “New World Order police state” the words “run by aliens in an effort to enslave the whole universe!”). In other words, not all conspiracy theories are as susceptible to such criticism, and are therefore more of a danger.

    Oh, but who are we kidding? This discussion is in vain, because we know we’re destined to be enslaved by aliens and so the truth about 9/11 doesn’t really matter!