By Hand

Friday 15 July 2005

Kinga bought a new notebook for taking notes at her job. New vocabulary, new measures, new everything.

It’s a sturdy notebook, with a rough plastic cover and a cloth-covered binding. Very nice.

It makes me wish I could write something by hand, in a hard-bound notebook, with one of my fountain pens. But I keep a journal by computer, remain in contact with friends via email, and blogging by hand? Well, I guess I could write it on a page, take a picture of it, the post the image.

Such are the costs of an electronic age.

When I first moved to Poland, I didn’t have a computer, so I kept my journal by hand, in flimsy notebooks with pictures of unknown teenage girls on them in semi-provocative poses. They were the only ones I could find.

When I got my laptop in Poland, I started transcribing all the entries, but got through only a few months.

I recently found them, going through boxes packed away years ago. For a brief moment I considered getting started again on the transcribing, in some misguided attempt to make them “permanent.”

Still, my journal documents on the computer are password protected, keeping out any casual snooper. These obviously enough are not.

Do I care if anyone reads them? Not really. They read about like this entry…