Living Church of God Tragedy

Sunday 13 March 2005

I’m in a bit of shock. I just found out about the shooting in Wisconsin, and I’m in even more shock about the church in which it happened.

The Living Church of God.

A splinter group of the Worldwide Church of God. The sect I grew up in.

I know many people in this group, though none in the area this deplorable tragedy took place.

A comment at a website about this:

Considering the fact that cults tend to become a magnet for the unstable and knowing the large number of unstable people that I’ve seen come through and still attending church, I’m surprised it hasn’t happened much sooner.

True. David Koresh, Jim Jones — many others. Fringe groups lead to fringe behavior.

To put it lightly.


  1. That is my worst nightmare, having also grown up in a small, exclusive and weird sect. What a horrible thing to read about.

    Do you still have family in the group?

  2. We don’t know that it hasn’t already happened. Smaller numbers of victims, events not explicitly church services (think Night to Be Much Observed), remote church areas, sloppy media coverage, and let’s not forget church reluctance to continue circulation, all could have contributed to the lack of reporting before.

    One thing is certain: This is the first instance of it in the Internet Age.