Slip Sliddin’ Away

Monday 6 December 2004

In the small village where I live, they don’t really scrape the snow off the roads until enough cars have driven over it to turn it into ice. By the time it all begins melting in March, it can be six or so inches thick. The roads underneath are, by then, a pot hole mess.

They don’t really shovel the sidewalks either — even in the neighboring town. From late November to early March, then, we all slip through our days rather than walking. No matter what kind of soles you have, nothing really helps when you’re walking on ice.

If someone slips and falls, well, it’s just her bad luck and worse balance. It’s not the shopkeeper or home owner’s fault for not having cleared the snow in front of his property.


  1. i hate to shovel…so, that sounds about right to me. this leads me to believe that all snow boots should have retractable cleats. ;)

  2. Last year after an ice storm, one super nice guy was helping folks get up the hill by dragging them up. The fact that he was wearing climbing spikes helped wonderfully.