Here and There in Centrum

Saturday 28 February 2004

We went to talk to the vicar that night, and everything is okay, it seems. In the end, we decided to have the civil ceremony as soon as possible, which will accomplish a few things. First of all, it will be added incentive, the priest said, for the curia to approve quickly the mixed marriage, because we’ll technically already be married. Second, we won’t have to make the public declaration three months before the wedding, which gives us a little more leeway. And lastly, though he didn’t say it, it will save him a bit of work.

The surprise came at the end of the end. First of all, he didn’t accept any money. Well, not then. He said, “No, no, just wait until I’ve done something! Wait until we have all the documents signed from the curia!” And at end, he was very reassuring, actually. He told us that in the end, there’s nothing that can’t be arranged, and that the most important thing was that we love each other completely and that everything else will work itself out.

Yesterday I meet Łysy on the way to Jabłonka and we went for a beer. He told me what those six magic letters before people’s name really stand for: mgr inż = “Można gówno robić i nieżle żyć”

And that’s about all I have to write now. I’m not writing so much lately because this stupid keyboard makes typing like riding with a flat tire — like the time I rode back from Slovakia and pumped up my tire every few kilometers.