Election Thoughts

Thursday 2 November 2000 | general

I really get tired of the notion some like to express that life will not be worth living if Bush wins the election. Fahy said something about being “very scared for my life” if Bush wins, then made a joke about people having to “stop me from killing myself if Bush wins.” She’s solidly middle class living a fairly typical American life — her life will probably won’t be even slightly different if Bush wins. The most that will happen is she will have to pay more or less taxes — depending on whether you buy Bush’s “plan.” But it won’t result in drastic curbing of personal freedom; even though he opposes gun control, I doubt that his presidency would result in lots of people running around with guns “legally.” In fact, I bet if I asked her, “Just how exactly will your life deteriorate if Bush wins — give me three concrete examples,” that she might not be able to provide any real reason why she’s saying this except that she’s liberal and doesn’t like the idea of a Republican — any Republican — running the country. She’s playing the role of a liberal, middle class, liberal-arts educated, white, pro-choice, Democratic woman.


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