Don’t Even Ask!

Thursday 3 August 2000

Lots has happened this week. Arrived at work Monday to find everyone from Western Civ I in the religion cube, talking about Paul. Checked email to find a message from him saying he’d quit. It was, at times, almost hostile. “I will not answer any more [expletive deleted] content questions. Don’t EVEN ask.” I remember Kali doing her thing with him Friday, sitting at his computer and going through things line by line. I know how painful that can be, and I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that that was the cliché “last straw.” I heard someone say that Val was going to call him and try to talk him out of it. Seems unlikely.

The really big news is that I got a letter from Anna P. this week. It was short but much appreciated. And of course one could guess the effect it had on me. I’m now as confused as ever. Anyway, she’s having no problems from her ex — which probably means he harasses her only slightly when they bump into each other — and, as far as I can tell, she’s not out looking for a replacement, so to speak. Bad news though: She had a “small accident” and lost half a finger. It’s such a common ting there that she wrote all of one sentence about it, something that would send some people here into therapy!