Back in the States a Year

Sunday 9 July 2000

I’ve been in America for a year now. A year has passed since my time in Lipnica, since my departure from my home, more or less. I’ve been thinking about that for some time now and I’ve decided that it would be a good idea to do some accounting at this point — figure out what I’ve paid and what I’ve earned and see whether I’m in the black or the red. So I shall begin making breakfast and think about it for a while — I’ll be back shortly.

So let’s do a year in review. Maybe a chart: what I did, how I feel it has helped me, and how I feel it has helped others. Yeah, and maybe I could add some percentages and make charts and use that to determine whether I should be happy now or not. I’m being too analytical about all this, thinking, “If I just look at the data the right way, everything will be just fine; I’ll have my decision laid out for me right there, clearly and simply.”