More Bullets, More Conversations

Tuesday 23 May 2000 | general

  • No class but spoke to IIC for a while; will teach tomorrow
  • Matura
  • Sylwu = 2; all but one wrong
  • Teresa W. = 6; told me many times in Quattro that she wanted a 6
  • Lidka = 5
  • Bogusia = 3
  • Marek = 3
  • Before matura talked to Lidka, Bogusia, and Marek about present perfect
  • At Bistro I talked with Maria Kuliga, Beata G., and some from IIA about life, Bucky (“He doesn’t explain anything,” they said) and whether I’m coming back to teach (“No!?) Czemu?”); they — Polish, I — English
  • Last night playing “soccer” in Quattro
  • Conversation with Kamil — told him about Beata and ties and “Keep people out”; wanting Iwona (“Why didn’t you make a move?”)
  • Conversation with Magda today
  • Visiting Greg “Fly”

These crazy thoughts — work for a while, then come back here for another long stay. What stupidity. And what makes me think it’s even vaguely possible? Yet it seems completely desirable and reasonable. I come back, begin visiting Mary a lot, then out of the blue, while we are on a walk somewhere . . .

Comparative/Superlative in Review

  • Names
  • Show and talk about ads — what are they trying to do?
  • Discect one ad together
  • Uses comparative and superalative; review
  • Long word
  • Short word
  • 2 syllables clever quiet narrow
    • ing (Boring) / — ed (more and why)
  • In groups of 3/4 brainstorm some adj and at least one new one; some on the board; quick drill
  • Hand out assignments for adds; five minutes @ end to share with others
  • Herbata Zielona Peach flavor in NT health shop
  • Meet with Halina
  • Give Alina a note for Lucyna
  • Get in touch with Beata P.
  • See about visitng Mary
  • Get letters from classes


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