Bullet Points about Return

Sunday 21 May 2000 | general

Last night/yesterday

  • Adela’s face when she saw me
  • Mary’s reaction; our conversation about Polish guys; old fashioned
  • Conversation with Kasia (IIB): 3 things I tried to do with/show students.
  • Iwona S: “I came to see you.”
  • Tom Pn. and Monika
  • Jola’s daughter
  • Lucyna in police station in Jablonka
  • Meeting Adam; “Want to talk when we’re sober . . .”
  • Meeting with Kinga
  • Abdul: imperialist ass; conversation about being 25 and in university
  • Saw Halina, Monika Karlak, Teresa Bialon, and her friend Monika W.
  • Couldn’t sleep for thinking about conversations; crazy thoughts about returning and Mary


  • Meeting with Danuta
  • What she’s doing
  • Postcards and current silence
  • Ania M., and Jadzia
  • Learned how to be non-Polish teacher from me
  • What Pawel M. said about my lessons vs. Bucky’s (Buckyego)
  • On the bus and see Marcel and Marysia; their shock; then Krysztyna and her tears
  • Visit to Dominika
  • Trip to Beata Plotek’s
  • Edyta’s phone call

I feel like I’m in heaven; everyone is so thrilled to see me. Mamo at ognisko — embarrassing but touching. I have never felt so wanted and loved as I have these past days. This week will prove to be, I think, the single greatest of my life. In some ways, better than my time here.

“Don’t think; feel it.”


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