Arrived: 8:55 a.m.
Departed: 6:30 p.m.
Hours: 9.5 (including “working” lunch)
- Content development:
- Met with potential content developer
- Prepared list of glossary and bio items for Tim Seid, content developer
- Discussed deadlines with a slacking content developer (not Tim Seid)
- Briefly reviewed definitions and bios sent in by yet another content developer; determined they were inadequate and decided to re-assign them
- Discussed graphics with Matt, the new graphics fellow for the religion course
- Read a little about Java programming
- Installed sound card in my computer
- Wrote my progress report for last week
- Edited a portion of Christianity chapter 10
- Performed routine database maintenance
- Read minutes from last editors’ meeting
- Responded to an email about recording the Vedas