Field Trip Invitation

Wednesday 18 September 1996

I’ve been asked to accompany the school (liceum only) on a trip to the north of Poland, near Gdańsk, I think. I’ve mixed feelings about this: I would like to go, for it would give me an opportunity to get to know my fellow teachers better, as well as my students. My Polish should certainly improve. Yet it is that very thing which worries me. I can just see me with a group of teachers as they chatter away in Polish–I look away at some point, bored out of my senses and exhausted from any attempt to understand them. Plus there is the very real possibility that the folks and C might try to call this weekend. I would hate to miss their call. Yet if I decline I might do something to damage a potentially fragile relationship. Of course, I can’t go around trying to please everyone.

The editor of the local paper asked me to write an article about how I got here, what I think of Lipnica, etc. I wrote it tonight by long-hand–I miss y computer–and I am eager to see what the reaction will be. Perhaps nothing . . .