Something Bigger

Sunday 8 September 1996

It has stopped raining though the sky is still gray. The wind has not really calmed but the gusts have become less powerful. I took some pictures of the stream—I will take more when the level returns to normal. It will be good for comparison.

Last night, on the way home, Danuta asked me if I wanted to go to Mass with her today. (I mentioned that I might like to go.) From that came a brief discussion about religion. “You must believe in something,” she said calmly. “You must have something bigger than yourself to rely on.” I did not say this, but that is why man invented religion: WE frail humans felt a need to have something stronger that would eventually pick up the pieces when things go cosmically wrong. How are you going to comfort who’s grieving over someone’s death without religion, without something that can make it all right, can bring justice and fairness to the world? (This of course deals with Western beliefs, not Easter mysticism.) I told her that I rely on myself. “I never felt peace until I admitted to myself that I don’t believe in much of anything.” “I can’t imagine how I could survive without my God,” she said in response. “Have you ever tried, but really did not receive a response. (I did find it surprisingly liberal that she said “my God . . .” I wonder how open to other religions she is.)