Over the Atlantic

Monday 3 June 1996

The adventure continues – some hydraulic part broke and we waited around four hours for it to be fixed. It brought to mind the trip to the UK but then we were at least in the terminal, not on the plane. When it’s all said and done we’ll end up on this plane (plain?) around twelve hours

6:15 a.m. EDT

After a little breakfast I feel much better. I know I’m still exhausted but for now it’s retreated a bit and I’m able finally to write a little.

I’m meeting great people and things are finally settling down. I know I’m going to look back at this time as the greatest of my life. I finally have once again a tremendously positive feeling about all of this. I don’t know how the homesickness will go, but things in general are steadily improving.

Within a few hours I’ll be meeting my host family for the first time, about which I am very excited. I shall be with them for three months – very significant folks at this point (and throughout this experience, I’m sure).

10:52 p.m.
Radom, Poland

Everything is different. I suppose this is culture shock, on a small scale at least.

From the air the first thing I noticed was the fields: long and narrow. From that point everything just became more and more different. (Horrible [construction]). The roads are terrible, the people are friendly, and nothing feels the same. Even the toilets and bed sheets are different.

I would love to write more, but I am simply too exhausted.