Relationship Change

Monday 13 December 1993

I had another good weekend with Kathe. We didn’t practice self control, but I’m not really sure that’s important. We both are contained in the important way, or the really consequential way. In other words, we’ll not have intercourse before it’s proper. I hope. I really do think we’ll wait until we’re married. Interestingly it turns out that mom talked to Kathe about that the last time she was here. Mom said something about hoping that we won’t do something we’ll regret. Kathe said she put her foot in her mouth by saying something about having already done that. She tried to get herself out of it by amending it by saying that she was referring to doing things you regret later, but she’s sure mom realizes what she meant by it. I don’t really know if mom cares about something like that. I kind of doubt it. Mom can be a pain in the butt at times but she is learning to keep her nose out of other people’s business.

I took my last exam today, so I’m done until 6 January, which gives be about four weeks. I’m going to work at the book store some, but I need to find out how much because if it’s not too much I’ll try to get another part time job. It would really be something if I could earn enough money to buy a certain piece of jewelry. I guess that would be rushing it a bit by most people’s standards, but I don’t really care too much anymore. I love Kathe, Kathe loves me, so we’re going to get married.

I’ve still got one book to read for Adolescent Lit and I’ve got to have it done by Thursday, so I guess I’d better get started on that…