FOT 1990: Day 10

Thursday 11 October 1990

Last Great Day…yeah, right! It’s a terrible day in that it’s the last day with Shannon…then separation for an eternity, or so it feels. I’m going to miss her so much.

The day started usual. I ate my Fruit Loops, then read about Pip’s Great Expectations for a while before I got dressed for church. Shannon wore her hair in a braid today. It didn’t look as good as usual, but it still was lovely. But, then again, she’s quite captivating and charming. After lunch we (Shannon, Ramon, and I) walked around town for a while, then came back to the room and just sat around. The last hymn today was “Behold, The Day Will Come.” I wasn’t sitting with her, but I’m sure mom was crying. Maybe not…she may have gotten a hold of her emotions. You never can tell about mom.

Tonight was great. Shannon and I went out alone and it was superb. We started with dinner at “The Olive Garden.” It was an Italian restaurant that was quite nice. Then we went to see Funny About Love. It was quite an amicable movie. Shannon began crying before the movie began. Quite depressing, if you ask me.

Tomorrow is the last day we’ll be together. It’s terrible to think about, but the time has to come. It came all too soon, however. The feast is just a blur…it whizzed by at incredible speed. Pretty soon, all that will be left is just memories.

I’m definitely getting depressed!