FOT 1990: Day 8

Tuesday 9 October 1990

Jack Daniels…what can you say about it? We went to see the J.D. distillery today. Big thrill, eh? Oh, yeah. It only took three hours to go there and back, not counting the time spent there. It wasn’t worth the drive. But most everyone else thought it was well worth it. We got to see the grain fermenting It looked like vomit and smelled worse. I almost got sick and so did Shannon. We both fell asleep on the way home. I woke up first and it was cool watching her sleep. I don’t know why I think that, but it was.

For dinner tonight we went to Bennegins. I had a burger, but really didn’t want one. I wasn’t hungry and all food really sounded sick. But I ate my burger anyway. It was alright.

Shannon and I watched quite a movie tonight. It was called, Gnaw: Food For Gods II. Some lady invented a growth hormone that made things grow super huge, rats ate it somehow, then went around killing everyone. Quite scary! Ha, ha.

Today was family day, and I guess we spent it as a family. I just thought I’d throw that in.

I haven’t see Laurel since the third day, or so. I’m surprised. I haven’t seen Tonya since the first day…I’m not surprised. Shannon doesn’t really like her, I think. But that’s just the impression I got.

Only two days and one morning left. It’s gone by so fast. We’ve been together for a week now, actually more, and it only seems as if it’s been a couple of days. It’s sad. I’m going to miss Shannon terribly. But I only have to wait about six months before I can see her, this time.

I said something about working for Shannon’s dad next summer and Shannon thought I probably could. I doubt ma and pa would go for that, on both sides, but it would be cool if they did.

I’ve done almost no homework while here. I’m going to have to work my rear off on Friday when I get back and on Sunday, probably Saturday night, too. It was well worth it, though.

When I get home it’s going to be such a strange feeling. It was last year. I felt as if something was wrong (There was!) and as if something was missing (Someone was!). I hope leaving this time will be easier. I doubt it.

Shannon and I were going to try to go out by ourselves tonight, but it didn’t work out. I guess we’ll be able to on Thursday night. I sure hope so!


The feast is over tomorrow…then The Last Great Day, then the Last Terrible Day…Friday morning…Shannon’s leaving on a jet plane…gone for months…living only in my mind…kept alive in my memory…