FOT 1990: Day 7

Monday 8 October 1990 | general

If Ruby Falls too far, she could get hurt. We went to see her trip today and fall down a long shaft. The tour guide (Trip) (What a name, eh?) was quite dumb. He kept trying to make jokes that weren’t even funny. I don’t think that anyone in our group liked him. Mom and all the grownups really thought he was bad. I didn’t think he was that bad, but we could have had a better guide, I guess.

Shannon and I watched Total Recall tonight in the room. It was better than I expected. As expected, dad came in and stood there watching…drove me crazy.

I don’t know if I mentioned it or not, but yesterday I participated in a survey to see if I would like to see a particular movie. It took forever.

Dinner tonight was at Steak and Ale. Mr. Cook bought if for all of us. Dad didn’t put up much of a fuss. I was kind of surprised. He usually doesn’t let people do that. I guess he made an exception tonight.

Shannon and I called Julie Ely tonight. She’s one of Shannon’s friend. I asked if she was “Easy Ely” and she got a little upset with me and said…well, never mind what she said. But it wasn’t very nice.

I got Rattle and Hum on video today. I also got a Talking Heads album because it was only $5.99 and I always wondered what they sound like. I’m glad I only spent six bucks on it. It’s not that great. Shannon bought Black Celebration for someone and for herself got Violator, and 101. Then, as I was paying for my stuff, she went back and got The Best Of The Beatles. We’ve spent $90 there this week. Pretty wild, eh? Oh, yeah — I got another Depeche Mode album yesterday. It’s their first one, Speak and Spell and it’s pretty good, but not like any of their others. M. Gore didn’t only wrote two songs of the eleven.

Time to go. The feast is slowly coming to an end. It’s going to be terrible to leave. But dad is seriously thinking about going to Spokane for the feast next year. That would be great. I would really like that…


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