FOT 1990: Day 2

Wednesday 3 October 1990 | general

Money melted in my hands today. I spent about $100. But it was well spent. I bought Dave “Hotel California,” and “Genesis,” but I was looking to get him “Seconds Out.” If I see it, I might still get it, but I doubt it. I also bought pa a book (Who’s Who In The Bible) and I bought ma a sweater. Shannon and I purchased a sweater for Heather. (A poet!) I finally got Selling England By The Pound today. I want to get Foxtrot, but I didn’t see it. Maybe better luck next time.

Tonya’s here. I talked to her a little bit. She didn’t seem very warm for some reason. I hope to see Joanna. I hope she’s here…I would love to see her when I say “…and this is Shannon. You remember Shannon, don’t you?” I doubt that she even remembers me. I suspect it a great deal. Who care’s?

We were left alone several times today. I was rather surprised. And her pop hasn’t said, “No kissing,” yet, either. I’m sort of shocked.

We went out to Taco Bell for a bite to eat after church tonight. I had to wait forever to get my food, but we got free food because of it.

I think Shannon doesn’t like my music too much. She needs to learn to appreciate classic music. It might take a while, but I don’t think it’s a hopeless case, like Greg. Now there’s a despondent condition if I ever saw one.

Perhaps I should do like Doogie Houser and write some ingenious saying as I’m typing. Or perhaps I should call this “Personal Journal of Gary Scott, Plain, Ordinary Person.”


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