We’ve actually had a winter this year, and we’re all sick of it. We’re all sick of being cold. We’re all sick of being inside. We’re all sick of clouds. (We wouldn’t survive in Poland with this mentality.) Every chance we get, now, we head outside.

I arrived home today to find K with the kids and the dog down at the trampoline. They’d invented a new game of double-keep-away: keep away from the Dog and keep away from the Boy. Usually, I would expect E to get frustrated with such a game, but he seemed to be enjoying it quite a bit. Until the falling started. And the crying. Which was fake crying.

Which is the only reason I would have taken a picture of it. He was laughing within seconds of this shot, and I was laughing at the thought of how similar L was at this age.

The Dog’s new ball has proved a challenge. We just gave her the Boy’s old size-three soccer ball, which is slick and shiny — almost impossible for her to get enough of a grip on to bite down in any meaningful way. She ends up chasing the ball all over the yard as she lunges at it to bite it.

When the Girl tired of the game, she joined K inside, and the Boy and I went to the front yard for some more soccer. Occasionally he would kick it off to the side, and as it rolled down the yard and into the road, he called out, “I’ll get it. It’s my responsibility.”