Tonight, the Boy and the Girl both showed just how well they can adapt to new situations and learn from them. The Boy wanted marshmallows. He knew where they were, but at not even three years old, he was knew he was far too little to reach them. Without assistance. He also knew that he would never get us to help him — he knows when sweets are allowed and when they’re not an option — and so he figured, “Who needs help for any of it?”


The Girl, on the other hand, has been complaining that school is boring because it’s too easy. “All we do is go over stuff I already know.” Perhaps that’s why her teacher gave her her new assignment, or perhaps it was just coincidence. At any rate, this evening she was complaining that the new work was way too hard. “It’s third-grade work, at least!” I took a look at it and realized the work would require a rudimentary understanding of long division. And so I sat down with her and showed her how to do it. With the help of several examples, a multiplication table, and consistent help (“No, now you have to subtract.”), she got it.
