L is such a picky eater. She’s a first child: we really didn’t know what we were doing. We followed this book’s advice tempered with that person’s wisdom and those mothers’ experience. We’re doing things a bit differently with E. He eats what we eat, and he has from the moment we could give him solid food. As a result, he’s not a picky eater.

There are a few culinary preferences that the Boy and L have in common, though, and one of them is corn on the cob.


L hummed and purred as she ate, working it back and forth like a typewriter paper carriage. The Boy makes use of a variety of methods: the double-handed high hold, the single-handed nibble-from-the-end, the single-handed reverse grip flute position (the right hand would be gripping a flute from the top, not the bottom), and variants of them all.


Occasionally, something not-quite-right hits him, and he balls up his fist and his face into what looks like a mysterious sourness.


But he gets over it, takes a new grip, and continues.