Matching Tracksuits

Fun in Fours


Saturday 31 December 2011 | general

Twelve wishes for the Girl.


The Girl is curious. It’s only natural: all children are, and we only use that curiosity when something kills it.


May you always be fascinated with snow.


An early warm spell in late February brought buds and blossoms to trees and bushes, and the Girl was eager to pick the first blossoms. “They’re for Mama,” she explained.

First Flowers 2011 I

May the beauty of the world always incline your soul to generosity.


“I’m an artist,” she explained as she traced her imagination in chalk on the driveway in the early spring. “Don’t tell anyone,” she asked, but it’s hard to keep such a secret, even for her. She’s always drawing and always eager to share her drawings.


May your creativity always be a source of pride for you.


A new sandbox brought spring joy.


May you always enjoy getting dirty.


During her second camping trip, the Girl found herself having to produce her own entertainment while K and I set up camp. Fortunately, she brought her art supplies.


May your artistic talent always be a source of comfort.


Early June. We headed to Hot Springs, North Carolina, to visit friends and attend the Bluff Mountain Festival, a celebration of bluegrass and old timey mountain music. The Girl sat in rapt fascination as the cloggers clicked their rhythms. Soon, when the small plywood dance floor cleared, L ran out to spin and hop and dance.

The Girls

May traditional music always make you want to dance.


A first hot dog. For a girl who always judges food without tasting, trying new foods brings smiles to K’s and my face. It’s such a rarity that it’s photo-worthy.


May you always be willing to try something new.


As the temperature soared, we found ourselves at the pool with increasing frequency. It was during this summer that the Girl finally took off the water wings and tried swimming solo. It was during this summer that the Girl, seeing her best friend from school doing it, finally gathered the bravery to shove her face under the water.


May water always bring joy.


The Girl has had a refined sense of fashion for some time. Only recently did she begin wearing pants on a semi-regular basis. “I don’t want to look like a boy,” she explained, and she simply adored her dresses.


May you always understand that clothes only highlight out your inner beauty and not the do not contribute to your as a person. 


The games we play. To list them all would be impossible: I simply can’t remember them all.


May you always treasure your imagination.


A short trip to visit family in Poland brought a renewed interest in all things Polish. It was a linguistic breakthrough, producing a new willingness to speak the language and a new pride in the Polish side of her being.


May you always take enormous pride in your Polish heritage.


The year ended with news that the Girl will soon be Big Sister.

Big Sister

May the excitement you felt at the news of your brother’s coming be the center of your relationship with him.