Matching Tracksuits

Fun in Fours

NYT Frugal Traveler

Thursday 24 July 2008 | general

There’s a new video blog at the New York Times called the Frugal Traveler. Week 10 is a visit to Gdansk Poland.

Why Gdansk? Why not Krakow? Unlike both Gdansk and Warsaw, Krakow was not totally destroyed during the Second World War, and its old town is just that — old. Perhaps the choice of Gdansk came from week 9’s spot: Vilnius, Lithuania. It’s a shorter hop from Vilnius to Gdansk than Vilnius to Krakow.

Still, it’s good to see Poland getting included like this.


  1. Maja

    a ja si? ciesz?!!! Polska – Kraków – Wieliczka to takie ograne turystyczne tematy (Wieliczka mnie rozczarowa?a – nawet tam musz? wciska? te wszystkie bogo-ojczyzniane symbole, po co pod ziemi? Papie? i Pi?sudzki??). Gdansk a w?a?ciwie Trójmiasto ma zupe?nie inn? energi? i morze!. je?eli kiedykolwiek mia?abym przeprowadzi? si? z Warszawy gdzie? w obr?bie Polski to w?a?nie i wy??cznie do Trojmiasta i by? mo?e na mieszkanie wybralabym pozornie najbrzydsz? Gdyni?.

    off topic
    KINGO!!! sto, sto, sto LAT!!! trzydziecha to fajne urodziny – depresj? wszyscy moi znajomi zaliczaj? w 31:))) pami?tamy i ?ciskamy

    aha i nast?pnym razem pozwólcie nam wreszcie pokaza? sobie nasz? Warszaw? (mam nadziej?, ?e ju? wtedy b?dziemy dysponowa? pokojem go?cinnym:)

  2. Maja

    p.s. sorry za polskie znaki

  3. gls

    Don’t worry about it. It reminded me of a problem in WordPress that I hadn’t fixed. It should be fixed now. Should.

  4. nina

    Ufff, the comment was a challenge to read and I’m fluent! But it’s always fun to hear the Polish perspective.

    oH, AND OF COURSE, Happpy B’Day!