Like most–probably all–parents, we have a mobile hanging over our little girl’s crib. In keeping with the rest of the decor, it’s a Pooh Bear themed mobile, with Pooh, Tigger, Pigglet, and Eeyore swirling around, looking down at usually-smiling L.

But that’s very passive–lying there, watching Pooh and friends turn circles over your head.

Taking an idea from Baby Minds by Susan Goodwyn by Linda Acredolo (Amazon), we made it a more engaging–and thus, more educational–activity. All it took was the addition of a long piece of fabric loosely tied to L’s left leg, with the other end end attached to the mobile. And voila!

It didn’t take long for L to figure it out:

motion of leg = mobile mobile = very happy little girl

And with increased happiness came increased motion, until everything was a blur.

Now that she’s got it, we’ll change it, attaching it perhaps to her right arm–it will get her used to “real” life…