I’m certainly not the first to comment on this, but it’s been rattling around in my head for a couple of days.

Action and reaction:

  • The pope makes comments that, when taken out of context, can be interpreted as implying that Islam is a violent religion.
  • Some Muslims react by shooting a nun and others by fire bombing a church.

I really feel like a wing-nut for saying this, but…

  • Why are we not hearing equal outrage in the Muslim world at these violent reactions?
  • Why, when Madonna used crucifixion imagery in her latest tour (BBC), did we not get riots and violent protests at the Vatican?
  • Why, when Jews are insulted, do we not see violent protests in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem?
  • Why can various Muslims (including the leader of Iran) call for the destruction of Israel while we non-Muslims are expected to tip-toe around troubling ideas found in the Muslim world?

Update: Just after posting this, I read in the newest The Week of a Dutch priest who, angered at Madonna’s depiction of the crucifixion, phoned “in a fake bomb threat to a Modonna concert. […] He was tracked down easily because he called from his home phone.” Google turns up a few stories about it.