Matching Tracksuits

Fun in Fours

New Site

Sunday 23 July 2006 | general

This site has been moved. If you’re just coming to “” you’ll have no problems.

RSS readers seem to be having a bit of a tough time coping, though.


  1. teedz

    i created an account in order to make this comment. that’s fine, if that’s the way you want to assure commenters are known entities — but be sure to limit things accordingly. I don’t know but that there’s nothing stopping me from creating new posts on your site, too.

    Plugins you will need to get pronto:

    Spam Karma 2: If you don’t get it, you’ll possibly get barrages of automated spam soon.

    Ultimate Tag Warrior: I’ve switched over to a tagging system (and am likewise in the process of moving formerly categorized entries). Categorization is okay, I’ve determined, but I like the fine-grained categorization it allows.

  2. gls

    Oops — I’d clicked one too many radio buttons. But you wouldn’t have been able to post. I think.

    As far as spam goes, right now I have “Bad Behavior” as a plugin. It seems to be doing a decent job. “Fifty-six attempts in the last seven days” it says, and it’s only been live for about twenty-four hours. Still, just looking at Spam Karma, it looks fairly impressive.
    One plugin I’m anxious to use: Flikr Post Bar. Finally, that blasted $25 might come in useful…